Helene Gratitudes
One word doesn’t seem to be big enough to capture the experience of navigating a 1,000 year flood but if I had to choose I would say “initiation.”
We are a little over a month out from Hurricane Helene, my kids are finally back in school and I feel like I have some mental space to share our story and to chronicle and express my gratitude.
I also want to make my resiliency coaching program, Sunshine in a Bottle, available as a gift to Helene survivors now and for the long road ahead. Every tool I teach in this self-paced program has been deeply supportive to me during this experience and I want more people to have access to these resources.
I share details about this gift/award below as well as options for supporting the recovery process.
Warmly, Courtney
PS The above photo is of a community altar/place of remembrance at a mutual aid hub nearby. I found it really comforting to honor all that was lost and to celebrate all that was saved.

We need cycles in our work and in every part of our life and room to expand and to change and shift.
And people who see us for who we are becoming and have room for that evolution, rather than requiring us to stay who we have been.
Today I want to share a new free audio resource on the power of Cyclical Living. LISTEN HERE
Cyclical living generates more energy in our days. It helps us flow with our life and schedule rather than fight against it.

Your Life is an Eco-System. Plus 4 ways we can work together in 2024
This week I listened to a powerful training with women climate leaders from all around the world.
Watching these women and their allies gave me hope: both the specific projects they are engaged in and the way they so clearly amplify and support one another.
It started me thinking about the layers of relationships that we are each a part of -- Our unique life eco-system: